Dusty Robotics: VDC Product Demos
Another great project with Dusty Robotics, but this time it was focused more on the software piece of their product. First we spent a whole day filming at the Dusty Robotics headquarters in Mountain View, California to film B-Roll of the robot printing different things in a construction layout, while also screen recording on an iPad of the UI interface. The shoot consisted of two Sony FX3 and rigging them on a mixture of a ladder, speaker hanging from the ceiling and my tripod.
The second day of recording was all about the software tools needed to prep files to print. We utilized a Dusty Robotics employees computer, paired with a high resolution monitor and screen recording software to get us the highest quality screen recordings we could get.
The third day took place at the Goldwax headquarters in San Francisco where we recorded all of the voiceover recordings in the sound booth. A total of 7 voiceovers for videos that ranged from 5-10 minutes in length.
The Dusty Robotics team and I then diligently worked together to put all 7 videos together. The project required syncing all of the camera angles, sorting through tons of footage and screen recordings and turning it all into 7 easy to follow, polished videos for their clients. The videos turned out great and we hope to work with Dusty Robotics again soon.